ToTop Link 1.2 & 1.3 for WordPress

ToTop Link 1.2 for WordPress is out.

This simple plugin gives WordPress-powered sites an easy way to add a “return to top” link to their pages. You can see it in action here, simply scroll down the page a bit and you’ll see a “return to top” link appear.

New in v1.2: You can now completely customize the positioning of the link/graphic. All the pre-sets (top-left, bottom-right, etc.) are still there, but now you can also define your own offset values. Additionally, you can now customize the ToTop Link image to be whatever image you’d like.

Check out the plugin’s page, or on’s plugin page.

EDIT: Version 1.3 Replaces Version 1.2

I jumped the gun a bit with yesterday’s release of ToTop Link 1.2. One of the new features was using getimagesize(), a PHP function that on some systems will return an error. I’ve reworked the plugin to avoid this issue, and have also sexed up the admin interface a little bit. You can upgrade to v1.3 via your site’s admin interface, or just go directly to the WordPress page and download it.

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