Google Adsense Spins Me Right Round Baby

Google Adsense ads have finally started thinking outside the box and have added the option of having rounded borders for their ad units.

The Inside Adsense blog has reported that now along with choosing the colours and such, you can also pick between three ‘styles’ of border – traditional square (ya big L7 you), a little bit round (for the timid), and full-on “I’m almost a circle” round. Of course, you can still use no border at all.

To get started with these new ad shapes, visit the ‘AdSense Setup’ tab in your account. As with all format options like sizes and colors, different corner styles will perform better for different publishers.

We recommend that you choose the corner style that best matches the look and feel of your sites. Please keep in mind that if your page background color, ad background color, and ad border color are all the same, these new corners won’t be visible.

As of this writing, I’m not utilizing Google Ads on this blog, however, I do on a number of other sites I’ve designed and maintain, and it’s nice to know that Google is continuing to look for ways to increase Adsense implementability into designs.

HT to PandaPassport for letting me know about this.

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